May 2016 Newsletter

May 2016 Newsletter

This will be my final message to you as President of this Chapter. It’s been a six-year run and I am very proud of all we have achieved during my tenure. I always felt that it was important for...

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March 2016 Newsletter

March 2016 Newsletter

As with any benevolent veteran’s organization, our ability to live up to our national charter, local SF community expectations. and Chapter agenda is largely based on our ability to fundraise throughout the year. We are fast approaching the time...

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September Newsletter 2014

  This September 4th marks the 30th Anniversary of the re‐activation of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Ft. Lewis, WA. I had reported to the 1st Group six months earlier at Ft. Bragg, NC where the 1st Bn...

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November 2011 Newsletter

Brothers, Every now and then I find it good measure to re‐examine the SFA Mission Statement. With all we do and with all we are asked to do, keeping in mind that changes occur as me and people move on,...

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September Newsletter 2011

September Newsletter 2011

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Newsletter Supplement Sep 2011

The Chapter is pleased to resurrect this classic National Geographic cover story on US Army Special Forces, in action, in Vietnam. When the story was written in 1964 much of the country had never heard of the “Green Berets”...

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May Newsletter 2011

My intent in this newsletter’s President’s Message is to create some dialog on an issue that is getting very little attention, but should be of concern to SFA members. The issue is SFA messaging. I will limit my comments...

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March Newsletter 2011

I am pleased to report that we are making good progress on several fronts that have been priorities for the Chapter, the most important of which is Chapter Directory. I have set the date for distribution to be on...

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