July Newsletter 2014

I have several agenda items I would like to bring to your attention in this, the July newsletter. The first is to announce the results of the Chapter XVI bi‐annual election of Chapter Officers. Though all the officers ran...

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May Newsletter 2014

Why is it that so many journalists sensationalize reports at the expense of their professional integrity and whoever might collaterally get in their way? I, like many others in the nation, was grief-stricken when the news broke about the...

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March Newsletter 2014

Lately, more than a few Chapter members have expressed great concern over statistics and reports claiming that the current Rules of Engagement (ROE) for Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan (OEF‐A) have put US forces at greater risk of injury...

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January Newsletter 2014

Many of us are justifiably upset over the passing of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 this past December 18th. I have heard several opinions from friends and associates on what this will mean for the military retiree community...

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November 2013 Newsletter

As I’ve often stated in the past, we are fortunate to be a Chapter that is located in such close proximity to the 1SFG, one of only five active duty Special Forces Groups, and a Company of the 19SFG...

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October Supplement 2013

The Chapter XVI Newsletter Editor Glen Craig and I both have a keen interest in military history, especially as it pertains to Unconventional Warfare. In our continuing effort to provide historical vignettes and accounts of events that shaped our...

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September Newsletter 2013

Life is good for Chapter 16. I am pleased to report that we have had more than a few successes since our last business meeting in June. At the top of the list is 1st Special Forces Group Reunion...

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July Newsletter 2013

When considering a topic for each President’s Message I often revisit the SFA Mission Statement and try to stay within the perimeters of those tenets. SF traditions and history have always been one of my favorites and most who...

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May Newsletter 2013

This spring marks my third year as the President of Chapter XVI. Since taking the helm one of my duties has been to define our responsibility to our members and our role in the SF community. If you recall,...

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March Newsletter 2013

This issue I will readdress a matter that was the subject of my message in the July 2013 Newsletter. As many of you recall it was written after the Army announced that women would be allowed to attend the...

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